
Remembering Jerry

Jerry touched all of our lives in so many ways.

Gerald F. Kein (1939-2017)

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Hansruedi Wipf
Hansruedi Wipf
7 years ago

Jerry, my friend, you will be missed very dear. You leave an incredible void behind. You have touched the life of so many people. You have changed the way hypnosis is seen and practiced in the world like no other. You are an icon in the profession. You have taugth thousands and helped millions. You leave behind a legacy that you and your family can be so proud of. Having been able to share part of your path is an incredible honor. I am humbled by the fact that you have entrusted me with what you have built up. I… Read more »

7 years ago

Rest in Peace.. never was able to meet you.. but you have changed my life. Thanks jerry

Dominique Bachmann
Dominique Bachmann
7 years ago

Jerry, thank you for be with us in the Classroom even when 1000 of miles were between us, you touched all of us. I will never forget your Humor – and i’m sure, you will find a funny way to let us know, that you are still here and with us.

I wish the Kein Family only the best in this sad and dark time.

Nathan Haimov
Nathan Haimov
7 years ago

This is a vry big lose to us all. I felt the ground moving under my legs when i first heard. I am really going to miss him. Rest in peace dear teacher mentor and freind

Bruce Caldwell
Bruce Caldwell
7 years ago

The sadness can be somewhat mitigated knowing that his legacy lives on in every OMNI grad thanks to Hansruedi J Wipf. We join you in remembering the best times and vow to carry on the torch.

Bozidar Grilc
Bozidar Grilc
7 years ago

Thanks Jerry. You have been a significant person on my hypnosis and my life path.
Thanks for all. Be well wherever you are.

Tatjana Strähl
Tatjana Strähl
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry

Du hast uns so viele Türen geöffnet; Mut gemacht und bist immer deinen Weg gegangen! Herzlichen Dank für deine Visionen und dass du sie geteilt und uns allen weiter gegeben hast!

You did an absolutly fantastic job and I hope you lived your life! Hope you rock the heaven as you rocked the earth 💫

Chris g
Chris g
7 years ago

Jerry was my neighbor in Deland, FL for three years from 2006-2009. He was a funny, genuine man, full of life. I’ll never forget his yellow SMART “shark” car. He will be greatly missed. Godspeed, my friend.

Claudia Prell
Claudia Prell
7 years ago

Rest in peace Jerry. Whereever you are, we will never forget you!! I never ever met you, but you inspired me in many ways! Someday, we will all meet us again! You will be missed.

Sandra Blabl
Sandra Blabl
7 years ago

Jerry I would have missed a great deal if I hadn’t met you. You changed my life completely with your way to hypnotize. When I went to Hans’ class in 2011, I was fascinated by what you built. Like a dry sponge I absorbed everything I heard and learned about hypnosis, about OMNI hypnosis. Then I went out and started my own full time practice. I trusted your methods and technics and they worked. They worked again and again. Thanks to you thousands of OMNI hypnotists all over the world are able to help suffering people. I am happy that… Read more »

Alexander Seel
Alexander Seel
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry,
ich danke Dir dafür dass ich Dich kennen lernen durfte und dass ich von Dir lernen durfte. Für mich warst Du ein großartiger Hypnose Ausbilder und ein sehr warmherziger und sympathischer Mensch. Unsere Begegnung war für mich sehr bereichernd und ich denke gerne an diese schöne Zeit zurück. Ruhe in Frieden.

7 years ago

Jerry, it was such an honor to meet you and be taught by you. I am very grateful I got the chance to learn from you when you came to Zurich..I was hoping to meet you again, guess that’ll have to be somewhere in the heavens..looking forward to it 🙂 You have been such an inspiration, thank you for everything you have brought into the world. I am sure you are fine now and completely pain free..you are flying high! My thoughts are with your dear wife. I am sure she supported you in many many ways and also made… Read more »

Kei Fujino
Kei Fujino
7 years ago

Jerry, you taught us “The progress is made when the great master passes away.” Though we didn’t expect this to happen so soon, now is the time for us to take your legacy and take it to the next level. I miss you a lot, but funny, as I try to remember you, you are always smiling and making jokes, which make me smile also. Hope where you are right now is somewhere better than Cleveland. Love you, man!

Olivier Gerig
Olivier Gerig
7 years ago

Ich konnte dich leider nie persönlich kennenlernen und doch hast du mein Leben nachhaltig positiv verändert. Vielen Dank dafür, von ganzem Herzen!

7 years ago

Lieber Jerry,
Danke für dein wunderbares Vermächtnis dass du mir, uns allen, hinterlassen hast!Dein Geist wird in mir und uns allen dadurch weiterleben.

Gabriela Willener
Gabriela Willener
7 years ago

Ich kenne dich leider nur durch deine Ausbildungsvideos , doch ich bin dankbar um Menschen wie Dich, die soviel Heilsames in die Welt bringen. Schön , dass Hansruedi dein Werk weiterführt.
Und immer mehr mit Hypnose arbeiten … Gutes Sein Dir.

Marco Bertschinger
Marco Bertschinger
7 years ago

Dear Jerry
Sadly, I’ve never had the opportunity to meet you in person. But your charisma, paired with your exceptional wisdom about hypno-therapy and your authenticity have gotten a hold of me and move me deeply in this hour of loss.
Infinite thanks for your ground-breaking professional inheritance, which I will continue to pass on to the best of my ability and knowledge.
In mourning, one of your OMNI-successors.

Ina Oostrom
Ina Oostrom
7 years ago

I followed the OMNI training in June 2009 in Florida. We had an exciting, thrilling week and were in awe of everything that Jerry thaught us. It was the last day of the training that Jerry excused himself that he did not give the training with as much energy as he was used to. We did not understand because the whole training week was amazing. However Jerry told us, just about a week prior he had had a heart attack while taking a shower and it was his pacemaker that saved his life. We were dumbfounded that under these circumstances… Read more »

Wolfgang Pfeffer
Wolfgang Pfeffer
7 years ago

Danke Jerry, dass du uns so viel mit auf unseren Wegen mitgegeben hast. Ruhe in Frieden

Nick Ebdon
Nick Ebdon
7 years ago

Dear Jerry, I look back at the time I spent in Deland being taught and assessed by you with great fondness. It was a wonderful experience to learn from the best, yet even your unparalleled knowledge and skill was eclipsed by your generosity, charm, sense of humour and warmth. At the end of the eight days you shared with the group your thoughts and reflections on your retirement and how rediscovering the many thank you letters in a box from past clients, had reassured you in your contemplative moments that you had made a difference in peoples lives. In your… Read more »

Reto Blaschitz
Reto Blaschitz
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry, vielen Dank dafür, dass du dich mit solch grosser Begeisterung der Hypnose zugewandt und OMNI ins Leben gerufen hast. Ich danke dir, dass ich an deinem grossartigen Wissen und Schaffen teilhaben darf! Du warst für mich inspirierend und wirst es auch immer bleiben. Schade, dass ich dir nie persönlich die Hand schütteln konnte – das wäre mir eine riesen Freude und Ehre gewesen. Danke, dass du es zugelassen und ermöglicht hast, dass OMNI, dein Lebenswerk, in Zusammenarbeit mit Hansruedi auch ausserhalb der USA für alle Hypnose begeisterten Menschen zugänglich geworden ist. Du hast viel Wertvolles erschaffen und hinterlassen.… Read more »

Rachel Stein
Rachel Stein
7 years ago

May his memory be a blessing. He passed away yesterday, on the eve of my daughter’s 18th birthday. I was five months pregnant with her when my husband and I trained with Jerry to become hypnotists. He was an icon and a master in the field of hypnosis; truly! He was brilliant! That is only the tip of it. He had an intrinsic ‘knowing’ for hypnosis, because he had intrinsic knowing of people. This came from the largest, sweetest heart I’ve ever witnessed in another human being. All that brilliance was delivered via his devilish wit and the twinkle in… Read more »

Bettina Schippert
Bettina Schippert
7 years ago

Jerry ruhe in Frieden. Wir wünschen deiner Familie und Freunden viel Kraft in der schweren Zeit. Dein Lebenswerk wird weiter geführt und wir sind dankbar dass wir es erlernen durften und sind sehr stolz darauf.

Steven Bridge
Steven Bridge
7 years ago

Gerald Kein was among the greats of hypnosis. I was in shock last night when I got home to hear of his passing. He taught many of the hypnotist practicing all over the world today, and in doing so has helped many thousands of clients. He was a kind, generous man .. always going out of his way to help wherever possible. He changed the face of hypnosis and his hypnosis family will remember the man and his teaching forever. I’m privileged to be one of his ‘Hypno-junkies’.
May you rest in piece jerry.

Doris Grubenmann
Doris Grubenmann
7 years ago

Dear Jerry
Thank you so much for all you shared so generously with so many people all over the world!
I am sure, the hypnotist and hypnotherapist family will meet again on the other side of the veil…
Keep your humor and your inspiring mind. 😊

Nancy Piercy
Nancy Piercy
7 years ago

May you be cradled in the arms of your Father! I pray for you and your family! Such a great, giving man! I am so glad I ever met you and got to work with you once!

William Horton
William Horton
7 years ago

He got me to offer home study NLP and brought me into Omni to teach NLP, the only NLP taught there….
knew him for 25 plus years….he started talking to me when he saw me do raid inductions saying I was only NLP guy he ever saw do rapids started a friendship. Stayed with him and Shirlyet sveral times over the years
Great guy and dear friend….

Klaus Buchinger-Wohlgemuth
Klaus Buchinger-Wohlgemuth
7 years ago

Ein guter, edler Mensch, der mit uns gelebt,
kann uns nicht genommen werden,
er lässt eine leuchtende Spur zurück
gleich jenen erloschenen Sternen,
deren Bild noch nach Jahrhunderten
die Erdbewohner sehen.
Thomas Carlyle

Ein letzter Gruß in tiefer Dankbarkeit und stillem Gedenken

Gabriela Köppel
Gabriela Köppel
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry auch wenn wir uns nicht persönlich kannten, hat sich mein Leben durch dich und das was du wunderbares in diese Welt gebracht hast verändert. Du hast die Welt bewegt und ich wünsche dir eine gute Reise in das andere sein und sei dir gewiss hier werden ganz viele dein wundervolles Vermächtnis weiter führen. Eine besondere Seele wir über uns wachen. Danke für all das was du an uns alle weiter gegeben hast.

Carol Lee Fowler
Carol Lee Fowler
7 years ago

Uncle Jerry you always made me laugh and enjoy life when I was around you…my only regret is not being in your presence as often as I wished. What an incredible life you lived and what a great legacy you leave behind. You will be greatly missed and always loved and cherished. Rest in peace dear Uncle.

Alan L. Alves
Alan L. Alves
7 years ago

After a hypnotist helped me solve a homicide case I decided to become a hypnotist. Searched for best training in the world and was directed to Omni Hypnosis Training Center in Florida. Began training with Gerry in 1999 including an internship with Omni and never looked back. One of my proudest moments was to receive by him the first ever Gerald Kein Omni Hypnosis Excellance in Hypnotism Award in 2015. Thank you my friend, my mentor, rest in peace. I love you man.

Brigitta Scherrer
Brigitta Scherrer
7 years ago

Lieber Gerry, auch wenn es so traurig ist,Du hast Deine letzte Reise angetreten. Deine Aufgaben hast Du immer mit Bravour gemeistert.
Gerne erinnere ich mich an unsere persönliche Begegnung am Kongress in Zürich, wo Du uns so viel vermittelt hast, vieles war für mich,damals Neuling, schwer verständlich. Durch das anwenden und arbeiten mit den OMNI Methoden bin ich aber sehr schnell ins Tun gekommen und freu mich tagtäglich über alles was wir erreichen.
Du wirst auch in der geistigen Welt immer gut zu tun haben…Als Therapeut oder Humorist..
Eines Tages sehen wir uns wieder…❤💙💛💚💜
Alles Liebe Brigitta Scherrer

John Bridges
John Bridges
7 years ago

At the beginning of my career, Jerry was an absolute inspiration.I really loved his humorous, no-nonsense style of teaching hypnosis. One could tell immediately that Jerry’s focus was on really helping people in the most powerful, impactful way. It is nice to think of all the thousands of lives this man touched, and the ripples of goodness he sent across the world. God bless, and thank you, Jerry!

John Bridges
John Bridges
7 years ago

Thank you, Jerry, for being such a wonderful instructor and force for good in the world. Early on in my career, you were an inspiration–a ‘no-nonsense’ teacher who really knew what they were talking about and who cared deeply about helping people. I loved your straight-forward, committed way of teaching. It is nice to think about the untold thousands of lives you touched in a positive way and the ripples of goodness you sent across the world. God bless you, and may you find peace and love in the next world.

Sean Michael Andrews
Sean Michael Andrews
7 years ago

I THOUGHT I was a hypnotist. Then I met Jerry Kein. This man made me a REAL hypnotist!!!

Roger & Patti Willard
Roger & Patti Willard
7 years ago

Jerry will be missed by myself and many other. I first met him at the NGH convention and was immediately impressed with his knowledge and his desire to share it. You have our condolences.

Bettina Bigler
Bettina Bigler
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry, wie vielen Menschen hast du wohl geholfen, auf ihrem nachhaltigen Weg zur Veränderung, zur Genesung? Und so vielen Menschen hast du neue Perspektiven in ihrem beruflichen Alltag gegeben, hast neue Wege aufgezeigt, Sinn gestiftet, in dem, was wir täglich tun. Und auf einmal macht alles viel mehr Freude! In jeder Sitzung bist du präsent und gibst Rückhalt. Ich weiss das sehr zu schätzen.

Möge dein Lebenswerk in Würde und mit Achtsamkeit weiter getragen werden.

7 years ago

Lieber Jerry, leider konnte ich dich nicht mehr persönlich kennenlernen, aber die Videos während der OMNI-Ausbildung haben mich tief berührt und einen humorvollen Menschen gezeigt, der mit grossem Enthusiasmus und viel Menschlichkeit die OMNI-Familie aufbaute mit Rat und Tat begleitete. Jetzt ist es an uns, sein tolles Vermächtnis in Ehren zu halten und weiterzuführen. Herzliche Anteilnahme, viel Kraft und beste Wünsche an Jerrys Familie und seine engsten Vertrauten. R.I.P

Helga Rahn
Helga Rahn
7 years ago

Dear Jerry, for now it is difficult not having a tearful eye as my heart is heavy in thoughts of your transition. Even so, I can only imagine the wonderful homecoming celebration in your honor and the warm smiles and laughter and lightness you continue to have. Being trained by you changed my entire life, and I knew without a doubt how fortunate I am to have been imprinted through your brilliant methods and techniques first and foremost. I have chosen to keep my hypnosis work pure in the KISS Omni style because of you. And what a beautiful thought… Read more »

7 years ago

I want to thank you for the great example you was. rest in peace!

Michelle Albright
Michelle Albright
7 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear of Jerry’s passing. He was a great hypnotist instructor, and he changed so many lives for the better. I’m a better person for having known him.

Uwe Koslick
Uwe Koslick
7 years ago

Ruhe in Frieden lieber Gerald F. Klein und ich bin mir sicher du wirst uns von dort wo du jetzt bist immer im Blick haben. Ich wünsche dir für deine letzte Reise nur das beste

7 years ago

I remember a very uncharacteristicly defiant Jerry. When we were standing in the vendor Booth room at the NGH annual convention … Jerry said … as he pointed around the room … Do you know when hypnosis will come out of the Dark Ages? When all of these people are gone.

. Jerry had a very sarcastic dry wit …. but it was just one occasion where he seemed Dead series.

Jerry …give the angels a run for the money … Show them that ANGRY RED EYE (ONLY HIS GRADS WILL GET THAT ONE) 🙂

Martin Offermann
Martin Offermann
7 years ago

Thank you!

T. J. Grill
T. J. Grill
7 years ago

Thanks Jerry, for developping hypnosis, for spreading it to regions and countries to help more People. Thanks for the systematic and the ideas that i learned from courses of OMNI.
Thanks also to your family supporting you. Best wishes.

Patrik Jonas
Patrik Jonas
7 years ago

I was hoping to meet you one day. Sadly, it will not happen. I have learned a lot from you. You are one of a few, who made this world better place for living and influenced thousands of others to do the same. You have changed my life even though you did not about my existence. Maybe you are smiling at us all from an utlra ultra height. You will be alive in my heart. Forever. Rest in Peace.

Michael Bernegger
Michael Bernegger
7 years ago

Lieber Jerry,
leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, Dich persönlich zu treffen und kennen zu lernen. Dafür hast Du es geschafft, Dich mit Deinem Namen auf meinem Zertifikat zu verewigen. Ich trage dieses Zertifikat mit Stolz sowie Ehre und werde mich immer wieder gerne an den Gründer der OMNI Ausbildung erinnern. Für Deinen Einsatz, Menschen weiter zu bringen und ihnen zu helfen sowie Dein Wissen weiter zu geben gibt es kein anderes Wort als: DANKE!!!!!!
Vielen Dank und alles Liebe und Gute auf Deiner Reise…

Mandy Moore
Mandy Moore
7 years ago

There are no words to describe my feelings about the loss of Jerry. It’s simply too hard. To adequately describe the impact he has had on all of his students and the entire world of hypnosis is also impossible. There was no better teacher of hypnosis anywhere, and the skills and processes he taught were light years beyond everything else available. We all loved him beyond measure. My sadness that we no longer have Jerry among us is vast. I send my love, gratitude and condolences to Shirley, Gus, Dana and the whole family, including his dog Mandy. Thank you,… Read more »

Rob Collier
Rob Collier
7 years ago

Before meeting Jerry I had met Steve Parkhill, I asked him if I should bother taking the course from that guy, Jerry Kein; of course, he said. Twenty years it’s unquestionably the reason I’m still here; thank you, Jerry.

Charlie Silva
Charlie Silva
7 years ago

Jerry, thank you for how you changed my life during this existence. While I’m sad that you are no longer physically here, I’m looking forward to when we meet again on the next go-around. Love and gratitude!